Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Follies

I am starting a new idea of posting my follies of the week every Friday. I figured it would be funny and why not laugh at myself? Chances are there were ten times as many as what I post on here. I'd love it if you joined me and did the same! It would be fun if you left a comment saying you did the same on your blog and I can laugh at you too! Join me!

* I thought it would be fine to hit snooze four times this morning. Yup, I was ten minutes late to work. Interesting that the snooze button is ten minutes.

* My daughter did not get a lunch today. We ran out of chips yesterday, the bread was left in the freezer and the cookies were still dough in the fridge. Granted, she could have had pop-tarts and a package of peeps. Healthy stuff I tell you, but she did not even grab a drink and a hamburger bun. Guess that would look funny in middle school where what everyone thinks is king. Oh well, she ate a big dinner.

* We went to IHOP last night, the day after the last kids eat free night. Brilliant.

*Have you ever given someone a check post-dated and told them they had to hold it until that day? Have they ever cashed it early anyway? Yeah, that really sucks.


Danielle said...

Hey, we need to visit you sometime!

Marla said...

Love the follies! Great idea!


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