Having children is a great way to figure out the things that I say too often. Everyone has catch phrases, I can only guess that the following are mine since Ayden is using them ALL the time now. All the time.
"I'll get it!"
"In a minute"
Not too bad. Sure. At least there aren't ten of these and at least he's not spouting curse words. But the clincher was when Caleb and Seth both had the same response to praise. Example:
Caleb lets Seth have a sip of his drink.
Mom: Thank you for sharing Caleb, that was nice of you.
Caleb: Are you being sarcastic?
Seth shows me an item on Amazon that he wants to purchase with his money.
Mom: That's nice, I think you'll like that.
Seth: Are you being sarcastic?
Do you think I've been teaching middle school for too long? I have been trying so hard to give my children positive feedback and I guess they are truly baffled. They think every nice comment I make is sarcasm.