Saturday, July 2, 2011

When It's Just the Boys

Brooklyn has been at girl's camp. I think I'll let her post about her experiences on here since she never posts on her own blog anymore. Anyway... it's been just the boys at home. I took a few photos and I think they cover the week fairly well.

We visited King's Dominion two times. One time we were able to go with Daddy. We saw Linus on that day and could not resist since Ayden is our little Linus. He has his own blue blanket and is never without it. I love it. I think it's sweet.
On Friday the boys were asking to go again. I had already planned on taking Dillon to the babysitter so I looked up the weather. The high was 88! I agreed it was a good day to go. We had a fantastic day. All the boys were so great about taking turns and picking rides we could all go on. We decided to pick up Dillon and go back. That plan would have been great except it took Dillon FORever to eat his dinner (toast - yes that is all he would eat) so we got there much later than I wanted. We did get to go on three rides and one was the Ferris Wheel so we could see the park lit up below. We watched the fireworks and came home exhausted. This was taken as soon as we walked into the park - just before it got dark.We've spent some time just playing around the house. I was at the computer the other day (big surprise) and looked over at Dillon right beside me. He had a dinosaur in each hand and was playing a rather intricate little game with them. It was too cute. Excuse the boxes and mess behind him. All my school stuff is being housed in my living room, fantastic huh?
Dillon speaks so well. I can understand just about everything he says and he has an extensive vocabulary for a little one. He even has some reasoning skills that surprise me. We had just parked at King's Dominion and I told Caleb to get the stroller out. Dillon cues into that immediately, "No stroller, no stroller."
I said, "Ok, then you have to wear the monkey." (Yes, I put my child on a leash.)
Dillon shakes his head, "No monkey."
I did the good parent thing and offered him his two choices. "You can sit in the stroller or wear the monkey."
Dillon quickly offered, "Hold hands. I hold hand!"
Fair enough. He held my hand the whole time and walked that massive park. He slept well last night.

Dillon's favorite thing to do with Daddy is to climb up next to him on the couch and give him kisses all over his head. Ayden does not like to be outdone so he'll climb up there too. Seth just likes a photo op.

This next shot was actually a while back, before school let out. Ayden had a Stepping Up ceremony at his daycare/preschool. I bought him a new outfit and new shoes that tied. He was thrilled and he looked very handsome. He sang and did a great job in the program and afterward we ate cookies and candy and drank punch.
It looks like our fun boy days are not over since Brooklyn will be heading to Houston next week. Maybe I should plan something really great for them! Any ideas?

1 comment:

Holly said...

Well... i don't know about really great, but you can make some homemade ice cream!!! If you don't have an ice cream maker borrow one, or make it in ziplock bags! ???


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